Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The American Soldier: A Modern Day Knight?

"A knight is sworn to valor,
His mouth speaks only truth,
His heart knows only virtue,
His sword defends the helpless,
His might upholds the weak,
His wrath undoes the wicked!" - Code of King Arthur and the Round Table

Is the American Soldier the modern day embodiment of this ancient ideal? Never having served I am perhaps not the most qualified person to answer that question. The service men I know and have known personally all served with honor. Their valor and their virtue are clear from their character both in peace time and underfire. These men have no need of falsehood. I have witnessed acts of tenderness and steadfastness in support of their friends and loved ones. While I have never actually experienced their anger in opposition to evil I would have no second thoughts about putting my life in their hands. Their lives have been an example to many, me included, and I for one am gratefull. Are these men Knights? You bet your boots they are!

So here's to you, you Band of Brothers, you Knights of Freedom's Table: George Domas, Lyman Roberts, Marty Munley, Wilbur Rogers, Paul Gray, Norman Parker, Ryan Simpson, Buzz Obier, Lee Harris, Bill Dufrene, Matt Kennedy, Charles Munley, Gordon Kean, and your newest brother Albert Hampton Obier.

May the ground rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your backs, may the ocean's current carry your forward and the airs be calm and smooth.

Thank you for your serivice to our country my very good friends.

Standing beside a rocker at the old place, I am,

Col. Jim

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